
NEWS: Gaelic welcome to Volunteers

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The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative celebrates Volunteers’ Week this week by extending a special welcome to Gaelic speakers interested in joining the project’s team of volunteers.

The project, already running a suite of volunteer and community-based activities across the north of Scotland, is pleased to now make its information for volunteering available in Gaelic. It is hoped that Gaelic speakers of all abilities will feel encouraged to get involved with the project.

Scottish Invasive Species Initiative Manager, Callum Sinclair, said: “As a project we try to give all our volunteers fantastic opportunities and the support they need to make a difference to the nature of Scotland.  We also want to give the choice and option of having information available in Gaelic to help raise awareness of the language, encourage its use and generate greater volunteer and community activity with us”.
“The language is intertwined with the nature of Scotland and so it seems only right that we strive to promote opportunities for speakers to use their Gaelic skills.”.

Robyn Ireland, Gaelic Officer with Scottish Natural Heritage said: “The intrinsic link between people and nature is reflected in our cultural heritage and we are committed to ensuring that Gaelic flourishes. We are delighted to introduce the use of the language into this ambitious project where it has not been used previously.”

David Boag, Director of Language Planning and Community Developments said, “It is great to see this opportunity for Gaelic speaking volunteers to get involved, supporting the aim of the National Gaelic Language Plan that Gaelic is used more often, by more people and in a wider range of situations.  It is fitting that this initiative is launched during Volunteers’ Week, and highlights the central and crucial part that volunteers play in growing Gaelic in communities across Scotland.”

In addition to the volunteer documents, the Initiative will build on its Gaelic offer by producing news items and social media pieces bilingually and is planning to develop education materials and workshops for Gaelic-medium schools.

Fàilte sa Ghàidhlig ro shaor-thoilich

Tha Iomairt Gnèithean Sgaoilteach na h-Alba a’ comharrachadh Seachdain nan Saor-thoileach is am pròiseact a’ sìneadh fàilte shònraichte do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig aig a bheil ùidh ann an greisean saor-thoileach còmhla ris an iomairt.

Tha am pròiseact, a tha mar-thà a’ ruith ghreisean saor-thoileach is tachartasan coimhearsnachd, toilichte gu bheil am fiosrachadh do shaor-thoilich ri fhaotainn sa Ghàidhlig a-nis. Thathar an dòchas gum bi luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig air am brosnachadh gus pàirt a ghabhail sa phròiseact.

Thuirt Manaidsear Iomairt Gnèithean Sgaoilteach na h-Alba, Callum Sinclair: “Mar phròiseact bidh sinn a’ feuchainn ri deagh chothroman a thoirt don a h-uile saor-thoileach againn agus sinn a’ toirt taic dhaibh gus diofar a dhèanamh do nàdar na h-Alba. Tha sinn cuideachd airson roghainn a bhith aig daoine am fiosrachadh againn fhaotainn sa Ghàidhlig gus mothachadh cànain a dhùisgeadh, cothroman cleachdaidh a leudachadh agus ùidh nar n-obair a bhrosnachadh”.

“Tha dàimh shònraichte aig a’ chànan ri nàdar na h-Alba agus mar sin chan eil e ach ceart gun dèan sinn ar dìcheall cothroman cleachdaidh a leudachadh do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig.”

Thuirt Robyn Ireland, Oifigear Gàidhlig aig Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba: “Tha an dlùth-cheangal eadar daoine is nàdar air a shoillseachadh nar dualchas cultarach agus tha sinn airson is gun neartaich sinn a’ Ghàidhlig. Tha sinn fìor thoilichte tòiseachadh air an cànan a chleachdadh anns a’ phròiseact àrd-amasach seo far nach robh i air a cleachdadh roimhe.”

Thuirt Daibhidh Boag, Stiùiriche Planadh Cànain is Leasachaidhean Coimhearsnachd, “Tha e glè mhath an cothrom seo fhaicinn do shaor-thoilich aig a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig a dhol an sàs ann, is e a’ cur taic ri amas Plana Nàiseanta a’ Chànain gun tèid a’ Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh nas trice, le barrachd dhaoine agus ann am barrachd shuidheachaidhean. Tha e iomchaidh gu bheilear a’ cur na h-iomairt seo air bhog tro Sheachdain nan Saor-thoileach, a’ dearbhadh na pàirt cudromaich a th’ aig saor-thoilich ann a bhith a’ neartachadh na Gàidhlig ann an coimhearsnachdan air feadh na h-Alba.”

A thuilleadh air an fhiosrachadh do shaor-thoilich, togaidh an Iomairt air a h-obair sa Ghàidhlig le bhith a’ cleachdadh a’ chànain ann am brathan-naidheachd is air na meadhanan sòisealta agus tha i a’ dol a leasachadh stuthan foghlaim is bùthan-obrach do sgoiltean Gàidhlig.

June 2019


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