Dee and flexible SPO vacancy notice 2024
Dee and flexible SPO job description 2024
Esks and Tay SPO job description 2024
Esks and Tay SPO vacancy notice 2024
Deveron job description 2023
Deveron vacancy notice October 2023
14. Presentation - Colin Bean - Pink salmon an emerging threat in Scottish freshwater ecosystems
13. Presentation - Laura Bambini - Biosecurity for Scotland's seabird islands
12. Presentation - Zarah Pattison - Riverbanks as battlegrounds - How does Himalayan balsam change riparian habitats
11. Presentation - Rob Dewar - National Trust for Scotland - Turning a Problem into a Solution
10. Presentation - Jane Hamilton - Flocking to the rescue - our woolly warriors tackling giant hogweed using sheep grazing
9. Presentation - Mark Purrmann-Charles - Strategic invasive plant control
8. Presentation - Emma Sheehy - Saving Scotland's Red Squirrels - Progress towards eradication of grey squirrels from Aberdeen
7. Presentation - Tony Martin - Golf balls, scent lures, smart traps - a recipe for mink removal in mainland Britain
6. Presentation - Xavier Lambin - Reducing the acute impacts of American mink on rural livelihoods and biodiversity in Chilean and Argentinian Patagonia
5. Presentation - Karen Muller - Beyond the banks, navigating the waters of American mink monitoring and control
4. Presentation - Callum Sinclair - Scottish Invasive Species Initiative - Landscape scale management delivered locally
3. Presentation - James Russell - Predator Free New Zealand_ conservation country
Presentation - Francesca Osowska - Invasive non-native species - why they matter and the importance of control
End of Project Conference Booking Form
Sheep Grazing Management Guidance
SISI Project Officer - Esks - Job description
SISI Project Officer - Deveron - Job description
SISI Project Officer - Cromarty, Ness and Beauly - Job description
SISI Project Officer - Cromarty, Ness and Beauly - Job advert
Brae Water Case Study
Seedling emergence study
Himalayan balsam control on the North Ugie Water, Aberdeenshire
Site Study: Japanese knotweed control on the Sheriff Burn, a tributary of the River Don, Aberdeenshire
Site Study - Japanese knotweed on the Upper Ugie Mainstem
Ury burn - Aberdeenshire - Case study
Squirrelpox in North Wales
Kellas Estate Knotweed
Deveron Sheep Trial Appendix 3 2021
Deveron Sheep Trial Appendix 2 2021
Deveron Sheep Trial Appendix 1 2021
Deveron Sheep Trial Report 2021
site study - Lemno Water
Inspiring a community to join in
Macduff sheep report 2020
Dee and Don biosecurity plan
Beauly biosecurity plan
seasonal PO tay esk june 2020
4.1b biosecurity action statments and colouring pics
Macduff 2019 sheep grazing trial report
Auldtown sheep grazing trial report 2019
Seasonal PO Deveron Job description
Seasonal PO Deveron vacancy notice
FNL Esk job description
Seasonal project officer post
Student Volunteering Opportunities
Overview of mink control in Scotland
SISI Volunteer Handbook
SISI Volunteering Policy
Expression of interest form
SISI Expression of interest form restricted editing
Employee Volunteering Opportunities
SISI project area
More about what to expect in the SISI project area document
Biosecurity event support guidance
inasives in garden booklet
Himalayan Balsam
You can add a bit of blurb about the document here