
Here you can find recordings of webinars and talks that the team has delivered and links to any upcoming webinars. 


Impacts of non native mammals on biodiversity 

Considering the impacts of Grey squirrels and American mink on native wildlife and the impacts of hybridisation on the rare Scotish wildcat. 

Recorded 18th January 2022 (1hr 38mins)

  • 00:00 Introduction by Callum Sinclair (SISI)
  • 02:17 Squirrelpox in North Wales - Dr Craig Shuttleworth, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Bangor
  • 25:46 Genetic invasion in cats - Dr Roo Campbell, Mammal Adviser, NatureScot
  • 1:01:00 How many mink is too many mink - Professor Xavier Lambin, Professor of Ecology, University of Aberdeen.

Presentation for Squirrelpox in North Wales can be downloaded here.


Alternative methods of controlling invasive plants

A range of projects using various environmental control methods - biological control agents, mechanical removal and conservation grazing - to manage invasive plants.

Recorded - 2nd December 2021 (1hr 37mins)

  • Presentation 1 (00:00) "Using a rust fungus for the management of Himalayan balsam" - Emily Iles, Tweed Foundation.
  • Presentation 2 (35:00) "Tackling aquatic invasive plants on inland waterways" - Charles Hughes, Canal & Rivers Trust.
  • Presentation 3 (1:08:30) "Flocking to the rescue - The Macduff sheep grazing trial" - Karen Muller, Scottish Invasive Species Initiative.



Pink salmon

Impacts of invasive species on fish populations in Scotland - the case of the Pink Salmon.

Recorded - 4th November 2021 (1hr 5mins) 

  • Presentation 1 (0:04) "The origin and potential impact of invasive species on native fish populations in Scotland - a Pink salmon case study, Professor Colin Bean.
  • Presentation 2 (40:53) "The 2017 Pacific Pink Salmon Invasion - A rapid response to an evolving situation on the River Ness", Chris Conroy.


Invasive species management and control

Strategic management of invasive species - where to start and what to do, practical techniques and methods for controlling invasive non-native species including Japanese knotweed, American skunk cabbage, Himalayan balsam, Giant hogweed and American mink.

Recorded - 13th April 2021, TCV & Scottish Invasive Species Initiative webinar. (1hr 13mins)



An introduction to Invasive Non-Native Species

What are invasive non-native species, how did they get here, what are their impacts, why are they successful and what biosecurity actions can we all take to help 'stop the spread'

Recorded - 6th April 2021, TCV & Scottish Invasive Species Initiative webinar. (1hr 9mins)



Invasive species control 

Join the project team to learn about their approach to invasive species management, progress made so far, their work with volunteers and how you can get involved. 

Recorded - 1st April 2021, Scottish Invasive Species Initiative Webinar.  (1hr 42mins)





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