Our Partners and Funders


The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative is a partnership project, bringing together partners and stakeholders who will work closely together to ensure successful delivery of the project.

NatureScot is the lead partner, together with ten Fishery Trusts/Boards and the University of Aberdeen. Our volunteers and local groups are key partners, helping to provide a sustainable legacy for the project. 

Our funders

Funding for the 2017-2023 project is from the National Lottery Heritage Fund (£1.59M) and NatureScot (£0.5M) with in-kind funding from the Fisheries Trusts and volunteer time (£1.25M). The total project value is £3.34 million.

Funding for the 2023 – 2026 project is provided by the Scottish Government's Nature Restoration Fund (£2.08M), managed by NatureScot, with in-kind funding from project partners and volunteers (£0.8M).  The total project value is £2.9 million.

Our delivery partners

The fishery trusts/boards we are working with already have a wealth of experience in controlling invasive species, undertaking this work as part of their normal river management. The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative is bringing these partners together and supporting the establishment of volunteering, training and provision of equipment to enable more of this work to be done, and to facilitate it being done at a significantly larger, all-encompassing scale.

Click on the map below or use the links below to find out more about what is happening in each partnership area and who the key contacts are.

Our academic partner

The University of Aberdeen is a partner in the Mink control project, where the school of biological sciences has already done much work using its expertise in dispersal and population dynamics to mitigate the impacts of invasive predators.


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