NatureScot promotes, cares for and improves Scotland’s natural heritage. We enable a greater awareness of nature and help people to enjoy nature responsibly. Looking to the future, we promote the sustainable use of natural assets now.
We plan our projects and spending in detail to ensure that we achieve our priority outcomes within our set timescales and budget. We regularly monitor and report on our progress in reaching the natural heritage outcomes in our corporate and business plans.
We’re committed to delivering a public service that meets our customers’ 21st-century expectations and needs.
Most of our funding comes from the Scottish Government’s Environment and Forestry Directorate as ‘grant in aid’. Activities such as the hire of Battelby Conference Centre also generate some income.
Our success in caring for Scotland’s natural heritage relies greatly on how we work with others across government. We also have joint working agreements and informal partnerships with a wide range of organisations.
Our Natural Heritage Futures programme sets out what Scotland could be like in 2025 if our natural heritage was managed and used sustainably.