Volunteering Policy


About us

The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative is a partnership project working with communities and volunteers to control invasive non-native species to benefit our native wildlife and freshwater environments. 

The Initiative is funded by the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund. Partners are NatureScot, the University of Aberdeen and 10 individual fishery trusts/boards. The fishery trusts/boards are our delivery partners on the ground and are hosts to, and responsible for, our volunteering activities.

Role of volunteers

Central to the success of the Scottish Invasive Species Initiative is the establishment of a volunteer network.  This network will be passionate about the freshwater environment and help to continue to control invasive species as a legacy to our project. 

By setting up a network of trained and skilled, equipped and enthused volunteers, we aim to embed and support action at a local community level, and supported by the local fishery trusts/boards, so there is long-term commitment to the control and management of invasive non-native species after the Initiative finishes.

We want volunteers to benefit from environmental volunteering with us, by for example; spending time outdoors and improving their quality of life and well being, learning new skills and enhancing employability prospects, increasing social interaction and cohesion, and, perhaps most of all, by enjoying themselves whilst taking part in meaningful community-based activity. 

Purpose of our volunteer policy

Our volunteer policy demonstrates to volunteers and potential volunteers that we have spent time and care in planning how volunteers will be welcomed and supported within the Initiative and the partner fishery trusts. It confirms our commitment to treat all volunteers fairly and consistently and will help set out the support available to each volunteer from us in return for their valuable commitment to the project.


  • We value the contribution volunteers make to the Scottish Invasive Species Initiative and recognise that it is integral and fundamental to the success of our project 
  • We recognise that volunteers are not staff, but are actively choosing to contribute their valuable time and talents to support our project
  • We appreciate that volunteering must be enjoyable, and can enrich people’s lives as a result
  • We appreciate that different types of volunteer from different backgrounds and with different prior experiences will be involved in our project and, as a result, will contribute in different ways and to different degrees to our work.  We value and appreciate all of these inputs and contributions
  • We recognise that in some cases volunteers will gain more as individuals from the volunteer experience we provide than we will immediately gain in direct practical project outputs. This is part of our long-term investment in, and commitment to, volunteers and communities in support of sustainable invasive species management in the project area 
  • We will provide a safe and supervised working environment for our volunteers, and provide necessary personal protective equipment, tools and materials for the task at hand
  • We will provide both formal and informal training and other skill development and learning opportunities for our volunteers
  • We will welcome and accommodate any volunteer - as long as we have sufficient resources to support them and based on the suitability of the volunteer to safely carry out the task in the context of the location

Support & supervision

All volunteers will have a designated local contact to use as a main point of contact for correspondence, queries, training requests, support or problem solving.  This person is likely to be a Scottish Invasive Species Initiative Project Officer or staff member from a partner fishery trust. 

On registering, each volunteer will have access to our Volunteer Handbook with further details about all aspects of volunteering. 

The Initiative employs a Project Manager and a Volunteer & Communications Officer.  These staff are available to support our volunteering programme or to resolve issues or problems with a volunteer activity.  

Our standards

We want all volunteers have an enjoyable and rewarding experience with us.  Our staff and partners are motivated and trained to provide this for all who volunteer with us. 

We expect and require high standards of behaviour of both our staff and volunteers and do not tolerate inappropriate behaviour.  This can ruin the volunteering experience for others and, potentially, compromise the safety of the activity being undertaken.

If an incident occurs, we will, first of all, discuss this with the individual(s) concerned.  If behaviours are changed they may continue with us as a volunteer.  If they do not respond positively or adopt improved behaviours, they will not be able to continue volunteering with us.

Anyone who behaves in a way our staff consider to represent serious misconduct e.g. violence, theft, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, non-compliance with safety plan, harassment, etc. will be removed from the activity immediately.  We reserve the right to report such incidents to other relevant authorities including Police Scotland. 

We expect volunteers to respect any need for confidentiality and sensitivity.

Volunteer relationship

We recognise that volunteers offer their time freely and willingly. There is, however, a presumption of mutual support, reliability and responsibility on both sides. This relationship is based on shared understanding and trust. 

No enforceable obligation (contractual or otherwise) is made of an individual to attend or carry out volunteer tasks provided. Likewise, the Scottish Invasive Species Initiative cannot be compelled to provide regular work or opportunities for all volunteers – though we will try to plan our volunteering activities to maximise benefits for all.


We are able to provide, at no cost, training and qualification opportunities to our volunteers to enable them to become better equipped to undertake invasive species management.  We have no obligation to provide all volunteers with these opportunities - we will prioritise those that show enthusiasm, willingness and commitment. Equally, there is no obligation that volunteers must participate in or complete training or qualification opportunities we make available. 

Recognition & reward

We recognise the importance of ensuring volunteers feel appreciated and valued and we want to acknowledge the work of our volunteers and highlight their achievements. 

We will do this by publicising our volunteer partnerships via our newsletter, website, social media and press. Social events and additional training opportunities may be held to say thank you and celebrate a job well done. 

We recognise that volunteering for some people is a way to enhance a CV and their employability prospects and we are happy to provide a summary volunteer record to support this. Volunteers are welcome to request a reference from their local project contact. 


We welcome feedback from volunteers about their experiences volunteering with us and we will use this constructively to improve and enhance the volunteering experience we provide. 

At intervals throughout the project we will set up specific mechanisms to collect feedback from across our volunteer network, but we are always willing to listen and hear feedback from our volunteers at any time.

Health & Safety

We take our responsibility for a volunteer’s health, safety and wellbeing seriously. By law, everyone is responsible for looking after their own safety and that of their colleagues (including volunteers), at all times. 

All tasks and activities will be risk assessed, and we will provide the necessary personal protective equipment, tools and equipment to volunteers. 

In return, we expect all volunteers to follow the guidance and instructions they are given on the activity and the safe use of equipment, to inform us of any relevant medical conditions and to report any unsafe working practices, accidents or incidents to us so that, if and when necessary, we can improve our practices. 

Confidentiality and data protection

The Initiative and the relevant fishery trust/board will hold volunteer details and volunteer records to document the contribution made by volunteers, for insurance, health & safety and project reporting purposes. You can read more about why and how we hold your data in our Privacy Notice.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We strive to be an inclusive project, where everyone feels welcome and valued. We are committed to embracing and promoting equality and diversity.   We expect our volunteers to support our commitment.

Safeguarding and child protection

We expect, and will work hard to ensure that, all volunteers, participants and beneficiaries are kept safe and free from harm while volunteering with us. Any staff or volunteers directly responsible for the supervision of children, young people or vulnerable adults will be required to have a satisfactory Disclosure Scotland / Protecting Vulnerable Groups background check. 


Callum Sinclair - Project Manager - [email protected] 

Jane Hamilton - Volunteer and Communications Officer - [email protected] 

This Volunteering Policy is also available here as a pdf.



Mar deidhinn-ne

'S e pròiseact com-pàirteachaidh a th' ann an Iomairt Gnèithean Sgaoilteach na h-Alba/The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative (SISI), a tha a' co-obrachadh le coimhearsnachdan is saor-thoilich airson smachd a chumail air gnèithean sgaoilteach neo-dhùthchasach airson math nan àrainneachdan fiadh-bheatha dùthchasach is fìor-uisge againn.

Tha SISI air a stiùireadh le Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba/Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) agus air a maoineachadh le Maoin Dualchais a' Chrannchuir, agus tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain agus 10 urrasan/bùird iasgaich nan com-pàirtichean. 'S iad na h-urrasan/bùird iasgaich na com-pàirtichean lìbhrigidh againn anns an àrainneachd agus 's ann còmhla riuthasan a tha na gnìomhan gan dèanamh agus 's iad a tha an urra riutha.

Dleastanasan aig Saor-thoilich

Tha stèidheachadh lìonra de shaor-thoilich a bhios dealasach mu na h-àrainneachdan fìor-uisge againn riatanach do shoirbheas SISI agus bidh smachd leantainneach air gnèithean sgaoilteach ann mar dhìleab a' phròiseict againn.

Tha sinn airson obair aig ìre na coimhearsnachd a stèidheachadh is a neartachadh le bhith a' cur lìonra de shaor-thoilich uidheamaichte, sgileil agus dealasach air dòigh agus a gheibh taic bho urrasan iasgaich ionadail, mar sin dheth, tha gealltanas fad-ùine ann airson smachd a chumail air gnèithean sgaoilteach neo-dhùthchasach an dèidh crìoch a' phròiseict SISI.

Tha sinn cuideachd airson is gum faigh saor-thoilich buannachd às an obair àrainneachail còmhla rinn, mar eisimpleir le bhith: a' cur ùine seachad sa bhlàr a-muigh agus a' toirt càileachd beatha is sunnd am feabhas, ag ionnsachadh sgilean ùra is a' leudachadh cothroman cosnaidh, a' brosnachadh conaltraidh agus 's dòcha an rud as cudromaiche le bhith a' faighinn tlachd is spòrs à obair chudromach sa choimhearsnachd.

Adhbhar a' phoileasaidh obair shaor-thoileach againn

Tha am poileasaidh obair shaor-thoileach againn air a dhealbhadh airson sealltainn do shaor-thoilich agus do dhaoine a dh'fhaodadh a bhith nan saor-thoilich gu bheil sinn air ùine a chosg agus cùram a ghabhail a' dealbhadh mar a chuireas sinn fàilte is taic air dòigh do shaor-thoilich an lùib na h-iomairt fhèin agus nan urrasan iasgaich com-pàirteachaidh. Tha seo a' dearbhadh a' ghealltanais againn gum bithear a' dèiligeadh le gach neach saor-thoileach gu cothromach agus a' stèidheachadh na taic a gheibh gach neach saor-thoileach airson an gealltanais luachmhor don iomairt.


  • Tha sinn a' cur luach mòr ann an obair nan saor-thoileach don iomairt agus ag aithneachadh gu bheil seo riatanach do shoirbheas a' phròiseict againn
  • Tha sinn a' tuigsinn nach e luchd-obrach a th' ann an saor-thoilich agus gu bheil iad a' cur romhpa fhèin an cuid ùine is thàlantan luachmhor a chur a dh'ionnsaigh a' phròiseict againn
  • Tha sinn a' tuigsinn gum faighear tlachd à obair shaor-thoileach agus gun urrainn dhi cur ri beatha dhaoine da rèir
  • Tha sinn mothachail gum bi diofar sheòrsachan de shaor-thoilich le eachdraidh is eòlas eadar-dhealaichte an sàs anns a' phròiseact againn agus, mar sin dheth, cuiridh iad ann an diofar dhòighean agus gu diofar ìrean don iomairt. Tha sinn a' cur luach mòr air na sgilean agus an obair seo
  • Tha sinn a' tuigsinn gum faigh saor-thoilich ann an cuid a shuidheachaidhean barrachd às an obair shaor-thoilich na gheibh sinn fhìn an toiseach de thoradh prataigeach an lùib phròiseactan. Tha seo mar phàirt den mhaoineachadh fhad-ùine agus den ghealltanas againn do shaor-thoilich agus do choimhearsnachdan mar thaic airson stiùireadh seasmhach air gnèithean sgaoilteach ann an sgìre a' phròiseict
  • Bidh sinn a' liubhairt àrainn obrach shàbhailte is stiùirichte do na saor-thoilich againn agus bheir sinn dhaibh an t-uidheam riatanach airson na h-obrach anns a bheilear an sàs
  • Bheir sinn seachad trèanadh foirmeil is neo-fhoirmeil agus cothroman ionnsachaidh is leasachadh sgilean do na saor-thoilich againn
  • Nì sinn ar dìcheall agus saor-thoileach sam bith a ghabhail – a rèir nan goireasan againn airson taic a chumail riutha agus freagarrachd an neach saor-thoilich airson an gnìomh a choileanadh a rèir suidheachadh an àite-obrach

Taic is stiùireadh

Thèid neach-taic a shònrachadh do gach saor-thoileach mar phrìomh neach-fiosrachaidh airson conaltraidh, cheistean, iarrtasan trèanaidh, taic no airson duilgheadasan fhuasgladh. 'S e Oifigear Pròiseict SISI no neach-obrach urrais iasgaich a bhios ann mar as trice.

An dèidh clàraidh, faodaidh gach saor-thoileach an Leabhar-làimhe do Shaor-thoilich a leughadh anns a bheil barrachd fiosrachaidh mu obair shaor-thoileach.

Tha am pròiseact SISI a' fastadh Manaidsear Pròiseict agus Oifigear Shaor-thoileach is Conaltraidh cuideachd, agus faodar fios a chur don dithis aca a thaobh taic mun phrògram shaor-thoileach no airson cùisean fhuasgladh no a thaobh thrioblaidean le greis shaor-thoileach.

Na h-ìrean-obrach againn

Tha sinn ag iarraidh gum bi greis obrach thlachdmhor is bhuannachdail aig na saor-thoilich againn agus nì sinn ar dìcheall gun tèid sin a thoirt gu buil. Tha an luchd-obrach agus na com-pàirtichean againn dìoghrasach agus air an trèanadh airson seo a thoirt seachad don a h-uile duine a bhios ri obair shaor-thoileach còmhla rinn.

Tha SISI agus urrasan iasgaich an dùil ri agus feumach air ìrean giùlain àrda leis an luchd-obrach agus saor-thoilich againn agus cha ghabhar ri giùlan neo-iomchaidh. Dh'fhaodadh seo cothroman saor-thoileach a mhilleadh do dhaoine eile agus sàbhailteachd a' ghnìomha anns a bheilear an sàs a chur ann an cunnart.

Ma dh'èiricheas cùis, bruidhnidh sinn anns a' chiad dol a-mach ris an neach/na daoine a tha an sàs. Ma thèid an giùlan atharrachadh, 's dòcha gun leigear leotha cumail orra mar shaor-thoilich. Ma leanas an droch ghiùlan, cha leigear leotha leantainn leis an obair shaor-thoilich còmhla rinn.

Ma bhios giùlan ann a thathar a' meas mar chùis fhìor dhroch ghiùlain, mar eisimpleir, fòirneart, goid, cleachdadh dhrogaichean, neo-ghèilleadh ri plana sàbhailteachd, sàrachadh is eile, thèid an neach a thoirt far na h-obrach sa bhad. Tha sinn a' glèidheadh còir airson cùisean da leithid innse do na h-ùghdarrasan iomchaidh a leithid Poileas Alba.

Tha sinn an dùil gun cùm saor-thoilich ri cleachdaidhean dìomhaireachd is mothaileachd.

Dàimh le saor-thoilich

Tha SISI ag aithneachadh gur ann le an deòin agus le an toil fhèin a bhios saor-thoilich a' toirt seachad an cuid ùine. Ach thathar a' tuigsinn gum bithear a' toirt taic, earbsa agus uallach do chàch a chèile. Tha an dàimh seo stèidhichte air tuigse is earbsa do chàch a chèile.

Chan fhaodar dleastanas, taobh a-staigh no a-muigh cùmhnaint, a chur ro shaor-thoileach airson frithealadh no ceann-ùine a shònrachadh airson gnìomhan a choileanadh. Agus, mar sin dheth, chan eil uallach air SISI airson obair no cothroman cunbhalach a chur air dòigh don a h-uile saor-thoileach – ged a bhios sinn a' feuchainn ri gnìomhan saor-thoileach a dhealbhadh cho math 's a ghabhas airson a h-uile duine.


'S urrainn dhuinn, gun chosgais, cothroman trèanaidh is teisteanais a sholar do na saor-thoilich againn a leigeas leotha a bhith nas uidheamaichte ri linn obair ghnèithean sgaoilteach. Chan eil uallach air SISI airson na cothroman seo a sholar don a h-uile saor-thoileach – bidh na saor-thoilich a dhearbhas an cuid dealais is deòin mar phrìomhachas dhuinn. Agus, mar sin dheth, chan eil uallach air saor-thoilich airson cothroman trèanaidh is teisteanais a ghabhail os làimh no a choileanadh.

Aithne is buannachd

Tha SISI ag aithneachadh gu bheil e cudromach gum bi saor-thoileach a' meas gu bheilear a' cur luach annta agus tha sinn airson obair nan saor-thoileach againn agus an cuid ghnìomhan aithneachadh.

Nì sinn seo tro shanasachadh nan com-pàirteachasan againn san litir-naidheachd, air an làraich-lìn, air na meadhanan-sòisealta agus anns na naidheachdan. Thèid tachartasan sòisealta is cothroman trèanaidh a bharrachd a chumail airson taing a chur an cèill agus airson sàr obair a chomharrachadh.

Tha sinn a' tuigsinn gur e cothrom airson cur ri cunntas-beatha is cothroman fastaidh do chuid a th' ann an obair shaor-thoileach agus tha sinn ro dheònach clàr obair shaor-thoileach a thoirt seachad airson seo a dhearbhadh. Faodaidh saor-thoilich iarrtas teisteanais a chur don oifigear SISI ionadail aca.


Tha sinn a' cur fàilte air molaidhean le saor-thoilich mu na greisean obrach còmhla ri SISI agus cuiridh sinn seo gu feum airson cothroman saor-thoileach a thoirt am feabhas san àm ri teachd.

Aig amannan tron phròiseact, cuiridh sinn ceuman sònraichte air dòigh airson molaidhean is beachdan a chruinneachadh bhon lìonra shaor-thoileach againn ach tha sinn daonnan deònach èisteachd ri molaidhean bho na saor-thoilich againn.

Slàinte is sàbhailteachd

Tha sinn a' cur cuideim air an dleastanas againn airson slàinte, sàbhailteachd is sunnd nan saor-thoileach againn. A rèir an lagha, tha a h-uile duine an urra ri an cuid sàbhailteachd fhèin agus an co-obraichean (saor-thoilich nam measg) fad an t-siubhail.

Thèid an cunnart an lùib gach gnìomh is pròiseict a sgrùdadh agus cuiridh sinn a h-uile ball de dh'uidheam sàbhailteachd air dòigh a bhios a dhìth air saor-thoilich.

Tha sinn an dùil gun lean a h-uile saor-thoileach an stiùireadh a bheirear dhaibh agus gun cleachdar uidheam gu sàbhailte, gun tèid fiosrachadh iomchaidh air suidheachaidhean meidigeach iomchaidh innse dhuinn, agus gun tèid dòighean-obrach neo-shàbhailte is tubaistean innse dhuinn, mar a bhios iomchaidh, gus an toir sinn ar cuid dhòighean-obrach fhèin am feabhas.

Dìomhaireachd agus dìon-dàta

Cumaidh SISI agus an t-urras iasgaich fiosrachadh is clàraidhean shaor-thoileach airson obair nan saor-thoileach a chlàradh, agus air adhbharan àrachais, slàinte is sàbhailteachd agus aithrisean phròiseactan. Tha barrachd fiosrachaidh air ciamar is carson a bhios sinn a' gleidheadh do chuid fiosrachaidh anns an t-Sanas Dhìomhaireachd.

Co-ionnanachd, iomadachd agus in-ghabhaltas

Tha SISI a' cur roimhe a bhith na phròiseact ion-ghabhalta a chuireas fàilte agus luach air a h-uile duine. Tha sinn a' cur romhainn fhèin gum brosnaich sinn co-ionnanachd agus iomadachd. Tha sinn an dùil gun dèan na saor-thoilich againn mar an ceudna.

Dìon dhaoine agus dìon chloinne

Tha sinn an dùil, agus nì sinn ar dìcheall, gum bi a h-uile saor-thoileach, com-pàirtiche agus neach-buannachd air an cumail sàbhailte fhad 's a tha iad ag obair còmhla rinn. Feumaidh gach neach-obrach is saor-thoileach le dleastanasan airson aire a thoirt do chlann, daoine òga no inbhich so-leònte a dhol tro sgrùdadh Disclosure Scotland / Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònte.


Callum Sinclair - Manaidsear pròiseict                   

Jane Hamilton - Oifigear Shaor-thoileach is Conaltraidh


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