
Coronavirus Update 24 Mar

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a profound impact on how we go about our lives as individuals and as a society.  In the Scottish Invasive Species Initiative the health, safety and welfare of our volunteers, staff and wider public is our top priority and we follow the latest Government advice as to what we should and should not be doing as part of the collective effort to manage the spread of COVID-19.

The Government has now issued advice that everyone should stay at home until further notice.  Therefore, all our outdoor conservation work, including our mink control project will cease with immediate effect.  We would ask all our volunteers to suspend all activity to monitor mink rafts and operate traps.  

All the SISI project staff and fishery trust staff are working from home so if you have any specific questions you can get in touch with your local contact via their email or mobile number, or email us on [email protected]

Keeping up to date

When the Government advice changes in the future, we will reconsider our position and will update as and when appropriate.

You can also follow us on Twitter (@SISI_project) and Facebook.

Updated; 24th March 2020


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